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In this issue, I would like to share the explanation of the concept of some keywords present in the topic in the opening report to help yourself sort out the connection between the keywords and also to further strengthen your understanding of these keywords.


In this issue, we will start from the two parts of mind map and keyword definition explanation.







Live e-commerce, literally webcasting + e-commerce, is an innovative model of e-commerce that guides consumers to purchase related products or services through webcasting in the Internet era.

Live e-commerce began to emerge in 2015, followed by Taobao in 2016, and over the next few years, live e-commerce has demonstrated strong economic empowerment and presented a new economic characteristic.

With the core of "people, goods, and field" and the goal of optimizing "cost, efficiency, and experience", live e-commerce integrates consumers' shopping needs with their emotional needs to meet their multi-dimensional needs of shopping, entertainment, and social interaction [1].



(2)外包直播,商家通过与直播机构合作来售卖其商品,此时的主播通常是网红、明星等具有一定流量的 IP,如淘宝网红主播李家琦和薇娅。此种直播模式下,主播已经具有流量了,且直播技巧、经验丰富,能够提高产品的曝光度。

Participating subjects in live e-commerce can include merchants, consumers, and live broadcast organizations (live broadcast platform + anchor).

Live e-commerce can be divided into two categories: (1) merchants as anchors, also known as self-owned live, such as Olay and other brands in Taobao live have their own independent anchors. This kind of live mode, because the merchant will understand the product in more detail, can do more detailed explanation of the goods.

(2) outsourcing live broadcast, the merchant through the cooperation with live broadcast agencies to sell their products, the anchor is usually a net star, celebrities and other IP with a certain amount of traffic, such as Taobao net star anchor Li Jiaqi and Weiya. In this kind of live broadcast mode, due to the large scale of the anchor's fans, live broadcast skills and experience, some fans have a high degree of identification with them.




This "supply chain" is closer to the goods, closer to the anchor, and closer to the consumer's demand. Compared with the traditional supply chain model, the anchor, as the demand (shopping guide) side, is directly connected with the production side of the product, eliminating the retailer as a carrier.

The change of consumer shopping mode directly affects the response speed of the supply chain, the shipping speed of logistics, and the digestion cycle of inventory. The anchors in the live broadcast organization are supported by huge traffic nodes, and through the drive of live broadcast, consumers, e-commerce platforms, and brands are integrated together to form a huge supply chain network system, which collaborates with each other and rapidly iterates.


The following figure is a small construction of the manufacturer to carry out two different live mode of live e-commerce supply chain structure.



根据消费者决策时间,从决策开始点到决策点这一过程中个体可能产生的消极情绪称为预期后悔(anticipated regret),也就是消费者在做出决策前会考虑到这一决定带来负效用而产生的后悔行为[2-3]。




According to the consumer decision time, the negative emotions that may arise in the process from the decision start point to the decision point is called anticipated regret, that is, the consumer will consider the negative utility of the decision before making the regret behavior.

Compared to traditional offline shopping, businesses can give lower prices in the live broadcast, according to a survey conducted by the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center in conjunction with questionnaire.com, a survey of 1,000 respondents showed that 68.7% of respondents participated in the "Double 11" live shopping because they had a discount and needed The survey showed that 68.7% of the respondents participated in the "Double 11" live shopping because of the discount and need. However, in the process of live web shopping, consumers are in a highly stimulating shopping situation, will be attracted by the competitive influence of other consumers in the live room or price discounts, resulting in impulsive buying behavior, and after exiting the live room to calm down, after considering multiple factors, there will be expected regret, resulting in the return behavior.

Live e-commerce development time is short, the product is uneven, the goods are not the right board and other issues are more, which led to consumer expectations regret phenomenon is more common, live e-commerce return rate is relatively high.




Supply chain pricing refers to the live e-commerce supply chain, manufacturers and live organizations should how to live in the product sales price to maximize their profits; retailers should and determine offline retail prices to maximize their profits.

As consumer behavior becomes more complex, the market demand and environment is more variable, in the market environment with great uncertainty, consumer behavior has become a factor that has to be considered when companies make price decisions, the right product pricing strategy can help companies get better marketing results and bring better revenue.




Since supply chain members will aim at maximizing their own interests when making strategies, this makes the supply chain members lack cooperation with each other and the supply chain system fails to be in the best condition. The use of appropriate supply chain contracts for coordination can promote cooperation among members, increase revenue and achieve a win-win situation.

A revenue-sharing-cost-sharing contract is a combination of a revenue-sharing contract and a cost-sharing contract, in which the revenue is shared and the costs are shared.






That's it for today's sharing.

If you have a unique idea about today’s article,

welcome to leave us a message,

Let us meet tomorrow.

Have a nice day!



[1]孙晓兰. 考虑消费者预期后悔的供应链两阶段定价与协调策略研究[D].淮北师范大学,2022.

[2]王宝义. 直播电商的本质、逻辑与趋势展望[J]. 中国流通经济,2021,35(04):48-57.

[3]高鹏. 消费者预期后悔下的再制造供应链产品竞争策略[D].江苏大学,2020.

[4]方昭. 基于零售商促销的供应链收益共享成本共担契约研究[D].重庆交通大学,2017.


发布于 2023-01-08 16:01:10
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